Blog Post

The Interview Advantage

Barbara Cosgrave


Are you heading for an interview or promotion, returning to work after a break, applying for a graduate recruit training scheme, orentering a new work environment? if so, this is for you.

Have you found yourself wondering why you don’t succeed at an interview or promotion?  Do you find it difficult to present yourself confidently after returning to work after a break or redundancy?  Are you entering the working environment for the first time?   Do you struggle with nerves and anxiety? Or perhaps you wonder why others succeed and you don’t?If you are the type of person that struggles with any of these issues here are some interesting facts for you. 

Let's talk about the statistics and the impact when meeting a candidate:
7% is about what they say
38% on the quality of your voice and grammar
55% on the way you dress, act, body language and the way you walk through the door.
A surprising 65% of employers say that appropriate dress could be the deciding factor between two similar candidates.

The most common mistakes candidates make are:
47% have little or no background knowledge of the company
67% have poor body language
26% have a poor handshake
Understanding what an employer is looking for could possibly solve some your issues and concerns already.

In today’s busy world an interview is usually no longer than an hour. But, when I had spoken to managers who have interviewed new employees, the majority told me that  they already knew whether they would hire someone in the first 90 seconds of meeting them. Therefore, it goes without saying that first impressions are crucial and almost the determining factor.  A great first impression opens the door for you, a bad one slams it shut and it is very difficult then to change the employer's mind. 

 So, what does a  great first impression look like?

Well, let's start with a smile! Employers assess a potential candidate by the way a candidate dresses, acts and walks through the door – and that includes a smile and confidence. 

Don’t let your body language give you away. Sit up straight, don’t cross your arms in front of you, don’t fidget. Have good eye contact and speak clearly and enunciate proficiently. Confidence is a key factor when it comes to a candidates success during an interview. A confident candidate  with a great professional business wardrobe and the appropriate qualifications is vital and could be a potential game-changer when it comes to aceing your interview. 

If you want a quick and powerful way to give yourself a better chance at your next interview.
Let's talk about the momentous Impact that could make you the first choice!

In a one-to-one meeting with me, followed by an in depth report you will receive information on:
  • The culture of the organisation you are applying to and profile of their “perfect employee”
  • Background knowledge of the company to use in the interview
  • Analysis of the people who interview so you know what to expect
  • Tips on the dress code of the company and how to use it to your advantage
  • Personal advice on what to wear on the day

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