When I was growing up, I had a great-aunt who was an actress. She always gave tips to a nervous, shy, teenager, me, if you can believe that now! Aunty Mimi was a great one for presenting yourself well and having a “presence.”
So, what is “Presence”, and why is it important?
Of course, my aunt was initially referring to Stage Presence, how an actor walked on stage, their aura, how they captivated an audience, the silent signals they sent with their appearance, and their body language. How they convinced the audience of the authenticity of the character they were playing, made them credible and believable, encouraging us with that presence to “buy into” believing the character. For that shy teenager that was me, she was, however, teaching me to walk into a room with my head held high, appropriately dressed for the occasion, a way that gave me confidence in myself, and allowed others to “see” the real me and not just a nervous girl who hid in the corner. She taught me valuable life skills that I still use to this day.
How we look, how we present ourselves, and our day-to-day presence is so important in business especially. We have to look like confident person our “audience” can connect with, be those new clients, new employers, or colleagues. Do you look like somebody they feel they could connect with, trust, do business with or employ? Do you look like the expert in your field, well groomed, dressed appropriately for the business you are in, or the audience you will be addressing? Is your body language mirroring that?
There are some interesting facts and statistics about “Perception”, how we see others when we meet them for the first time. It’s recognised that over 50% of communication is non-verbal, so for example, when you first enter a meeting, greet a new client, enter an interview situation, or join a zoom meeting, first impressions count.
How you look, how you dress, how you behave and your body language.
People, your “audience”, will instantly and subconsciously decide whether or not they will pay attention and listen to you - or not. It could mean the difference between gaining that new contract, or client, winning at interview – or failure.
Here’s the problem, once they have decided they are not going to listen, you don’t look like the professional in your business, it is very hard, if not impossible, to change their minds. Simply because, as human beings, we like to be right, and we convince ourselves that we are. Just based on the fact that that person’s whole-body language and appearance is not congruent with their message, they don’t look like the real deal.
The way you look, behave, and your body language when you walk into a meeting will influence how others perceive you and can, ultimately, influence how successful you are in business. Your personal impact needs to be strong, memorable, and professional to remain at the forefront of the minds of clients and employers as the right person to get the job done.
Key to this is the way you dress. We are judged on the way we look, always. Do you look the part? Does your image signal success?
The answer to the opening question, “What is Presence?
”Presence is the image, perception, and memory you leave with people you engage with everyday in person and online meetings. Take control of this and make the silent signals you are sending the ones that are the authentic, professional leader you are, creating the right impression at the right time – always.
Take time to plan. Just a quick call to me can help; I promise it’s easy to achieve!
Above is the famous Great Aunt Mimi!
All Rights Reserved | Barbara Cosgrave