Blog Post

Create A Visual CV

Barbara Cosgrave

We all present our CV when going for interview, giving our career history, qualifications, goals, interests. 

Our written CV. Important yes but not the whole story.


What about our Visual CV?

The Power of Visual Communication

It’s not enough to be good at something on paper, people need to “see” that you’re are good at it.
People “read” us all the time through the signals we send out and the way we look.  It let’s people know who we are.  They make assumptions about us, rightly or wrongly, that influence how they decide to interact with us – or not. 

That decision may be positive and result in new business - or negative and lose you a sale, promotion, opportunity. 

We all also have heard many times, about the power of first impressions.  Most people would think I am referring only to how you dress.  That is just a part of a great first impression.  A big part but not the only part.

The visual impression we give, our Visual CV, includes body language, grooming, facial expressions, hand gestures, habits, eye contact, presence, charisma.

It’s not about rights and wrongs, it’s about sending the appropriate signals for the situation and the people involved. 

Understanding these signals makes you more adaptable, professionally and personally.   Our appearance and the way we behave constantly influences others.

Learn how to use those signals to your advantage to positively influence good results, the results you want.

Just as an example, watch the world news on TV a different way.  Don’t get involved in the rhetoric and mud slinging that is going on
now in politics, here and in the USA. 

Turn the sound off.

Watch the different players on the stage.

Look at the way they present themselves.  Look at their Visual CV.  Look at how are they dressed, does it fit well, is it smart,
appropriate?  Look at how well-groomed they are?  Neat, tidy looking like they care about detail?
Look at facial expressions, eye contact, hand gestures.
Look at posture and stance.
Look at personal presence, is it calm, composed and in control or irritating and erratic?


“Look” is the key word.  When that person walks on to their platform or stage to “perform”, what do you see and before you even hear a word from them, what judgements have you made about them. 

When an actor walks on to a stage in the theatre, before they have even spoken, we make a basic judgement don’t we?  We think we
are going to like them, have sympathy, doubt them, be suspicious of them, want them to be great, cheer them on!

Every day we walk on to our own stage, in work, in the office, in virtual meetings.  Are you aware of the signals you are sending? 
Are you in control of them and do you understand what is appropriate in each situation?

Do you know how to use those signals to influence the results you want?

What does your Visual CV say about you?

Next time, “How to Communicate Success”

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