Of course, how you dress is not going to make any difference to the Coronovirus outbreak, that would be nonsense. Or would it? We have, quite rightly, been asked to self-isolate, distance ourselves socially, not be in the company of friends, family and colleagues.
Vital for our physical health.
What about our mental health?
Stuck at home, isolated, sometimes alone when family members are a long way away and friends can’t visit, it is hard to make that effort in the morning to get dressed, put on make-up if you use it and be ready to face the day. Even if it is just for yourself. We become low, maybe depressed with a negative mind set. Not good for our health!
The power of colour is part of the energy of the universe that affects us every day. Colour energy can bring us down, think of a dull day, or boost us up, think of the bright sunny days. Wearing the colours that are the very best for you, helps give you a positive mind set. Staying positive is vital for our health and our immune system.
So get up, dress up and feel better!